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2022 Membership Subscription Dues

Dear IGM Members,

This is a gentle reminder that the 2022 subscription is now due. Article V Item 2 of the IGM Constitution stipulates that the annual subscriptions shall be payable in the months of January of every year. We therefore appreciate very much if you could kindly make the payment for your subscription through internet banking or by depositing cash or cheque into the following bank account as soon as possible:

Name: Institut Geologi Malaysia
Bank: CIMB
Current Account Number: 8 0 0 1 - 2 8 5 2 - 4 8

After the payment has been made, please go to IGM Website and fill up the online Deposit Notification Form to notify us of the said payment. Please take note that unless you fill-up the online form and attach together with the payment proof to inform the Treasurer, we may not be able to trace the payment that you have made. Your kind cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated.

Members are kindly advised to take note of Article V Item 5 of IGM Constitution which states that no corporate member, whose annual subscription remains unpaid for a period of three months shall be entitled to attend, or take part in the meetings of the Institute, nor to receive the notices or publications of the Institute, nor shall he or she be entitled to vote, until he or she has paid in full such subscription.

Should you have already made the subscription payment, please ignore this reminder.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

P.Geol. Ahmad Nizam Hasan, F.I.G.M

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