• Membership

Fees and subscriptions

The entrance fees for IGM is RM 50.00, the transfer fee is RM 50.00 and the annual subscription is RM60 for Fellows, RM 40.00 for Members, Licentiates and Associates and RM20 for Graduate Members. Annual subscriptions are due in the month of January of every year. Members who fail to settle their annual subscription within six months after it is due shall cease to become members and their names will be removed from the register of members.

Entrance Fee : RM 50.00
Transfer Fee : RM 50.00
Annual Subscription for Fellows : RM 60.00
Annual Subscription for Members, Licentiates and Associates : RM 40.00
Annual Subscription for Graduate Member : RM 20.00

For more info, please read our Constitution of The Institut Geologi Malaysia

Membership Renewal

Article V Item 2 of the IGM Constitution stipulates that the annual subscriptions shall be payable in the months of January of every year. We therefore appreciate very much if you could kindly make payment of your subscription through internet banking or by depositing cash or cheque into the following bank account as soon as possible.

Members are kindly advised to take note of Article V Item 5 of IGM Constitution which states that no corporate member, whose annual subscription remains unpaid for a period of three months shall be entitled to attend, or take part in the meetings of the Institute, nor to receive the notices or publications of the Institute, nor shall he or she be entitled to vote, until he or she has paid in full such subscription.