IGM COUNCIL 2024/2025
The IGM Council comprises 4 key posts and 8 ordinary council members. The 4 key posts are the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who are elected annually. The 8 council members are elected for a 2-year term but only 4 will be elected at any one time to ensure continuity in the council.
For the 2024/2025 Session, the Council Members are:
IGM COUNCIL 2024/2025
President : P.Geol. Gs. Abd. Rasid Jaapar
Vice-President : P.Geol. Ahmad Fauzi @ Adam Bin Hashim
Secretary : P.Geol. Dr Siti Sarah Ab Rahman
Treasurer : P.Geol. Ahmad Nizam Hasan
Council Members
(2-year 2024/2026)
1. P.Geol. Dr. Mohamad Faizal Tajul Baharuddin
2. P.Geol. Gs. Mohd Izzuddin Bin Borhan
3. P.Geol. Gs. Muhammad Yazid Bin Mohammad
4. P.Geol. Mohd Rasydan Bin Mohd Rais
(1-year 2024/25)
1. P.Geol. Dr. Abdull Halim Abdul
2. P.Geol. Dr Habibah Jamil
3. P.Geol. Dr. Ahmad Farid Abu Bakar
4. P.Geol. Gs. Hairil Azwan Razak
1. Minerals Resources, Mining & Quarrying – Mr. Yip Foo Weng
2. Groundwater & Geothermal – P.Geol Adam Hashim
3. Geohazard & ESG – P.Geol. Dr. Mohamad Faizal Tajul Baharuddin
4. Geophysics & Geotechnology – Mohd Izzuddin
5. Coastal and Marine Geology - Dr Nor Bakhiah (UMT)
6. Geoheritage and geotourism – En Mat Niza bin Abdul Rahman (JMG)
7. Petroleum Geology & CCUS – Dr Choong Chee Meng
8. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) – Dato' Zakaria Mohamad
1. Sabah – Mr Jontih Enggihon
2. Sarawak – P.Geol. James Bachat
1. Membership – En Wan Nizam
2. Promotion & Outreach- En Rasid Jaapar
3. CPD Coordination – Dr Habibah
4. Publication - P.Geol. Dr Siti Sarah Ab Rahman
1. Climate change adaptation - Prof Joy
2. Geoscience Education - Dr Farid